Under New Ownership

Realizing Potential

Overcoming Obstacles

Awakening a Love of Learning

River Oak Academy Supports
Family-Assisted Programs

We Know That Every Child Deserves Quality Care & Education

At River Oak Academy, we know that every child deserves quality care and education, regardless of family income, status, or situation. For those reasons, we are proud to accept DCF foster kids and support family-assisted programs like Care4Kids.

These programs allow us to work with all youth and help provide a solid foundation to eliminate potential risks and help them establish a firm footing toward life’s journey.

We are happy to work with the Care4Kids program and offer it to members of our local community. The program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, which aids low to moderate-income families in paying for childcare. It has helped thousands of families around the state and is now available at River Oak Academy.

We look forward to supporting Care4Kids’ mission and providing safe and nurturing opportunities for growing young minds.

If you are currently enrolled in the Care4Kids program but are at another daycare or school, we are more than happy to transfer the necessary information over to River Oak Academy for your child. And if you are interested in applying for the Care4Kids program, click here for more details.

Contact us today to schedule a tour!

Our team of childcare professionals is here to provide personalized care that makes every baby feel safe, loved, and supported through this important stage of life.